Lynne Neagle AM
 Chair, Children, Young People and Education Committee
 National Assembly for Wales
 Cardiff Bay
 CF99 1NA
CYPE(5)-24-19 – Paper to note 22

21 August 2019

Dear Lynne



Petition P-05-748 School Buses for School Children


The Petitions Committee has been considering the above petition since April 2017.  During that time, the Committee has considered a range of information and issues relating to home-school transport and has corresponded with the Welsh and UK Governments, the Welsh Local Government Association and the Children’s Commissioner for Wales.


However a number of the issues raised by the petitioner, including the provision of seatbelts on public buses and DBS checks for drivers, are reserved to the UK Parliament. Given that, at our meeting on 9 July 2019, the Committee decided to close the petition, as there seemed to be little further we could do to take the petition forward.


In closing the petition, Members also agreed to draw it to the attention of the Children, Young People and Education Committee, should you be considering looking at issues around school transport in the future.


Further information on the petition, including the full text and the correspondence received to date, is available on the website at:






If you have any queries, please contact the Committee clerking team at



Yours sincerely


Janet Finch-Saunders AM
